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The Official Journal of the University of Medicine, Tirana
Formerly "Bulletin of Medical Sciences"

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Buletin i Universitetit Shtetëror të Tiranës (Bulletin of Tirana State University); Seria Shkencat Mjekësore 3 ( Medical Sciences Series 3) Viti 1978  (Year 1978)


Me partinë në krye me besim të patundur në forcat tona, ne do ecim gjithmonë përpara (Under the leadership of the party and with unshaken confidence in our forces, we shall always move forward)

Buletin i Shkencave Mjekësore 1978: 3-8

Karakteristikat kapilaroskopike dhe oshilografike në disa sëmundje të enëve të gjakut dhe në diabet (Calliparoscopic ans oscillographic characteristics in some affections of the blood vessels and diabetes)           

Basha F.                                                                                                                                                         

Buletin i Shkencave Mjekësore 1978:9-26

Vlera e provës me beta-bllokues në diferencemin e rregullimeve elektrokardiografike të repolarizimit ventrikular (The value of beta- blockers in the differentation of the electrocardiographic disorders of ventricular repolarization)                                                                                                                            

Çina P.,Qirko S.,Rroku Ll.,Shella A., Karajani A.,Marku P., Myderizi M.                                                                       

Buletin i Shkencave Mjekësore 1978:27-41

Aspekti krahasues dhe ecuria në sëmundjen hipertonike (A comparative study of the stages of the hypertensive         disease)                                                                                                                                               

Shehu N.                                                                                                                                                                    

Buletin i Shkencave Mjekësore 1978:43-50

Ndryshimet radiologjike në artritin reumatoid (Radiological changes in rheumatoid arthritis)                  

Poro K., Angjeli V.,Morcka A.                                                                                                                                 

Buletin i Shkencave Mjekësore 1978:51-57

Përdorimi i aplikatorëve radioaktivë me fosfor -32 për mjekimin e disa sëmundjeve të lëkurës (The use of phosphorus 32 radioactive applicators in the treatment of some skin diseases)                                 

Buletin i Shkencave Mjekësore 1978:59-65

Përcaktimi i kreatininës me mikrometodë në gjakun kapilar ( A micromethod for the determination of creatinin in capillary blood)                                                                                                                                               

Leskoviku S.                                                                                                                                                              

Buletin i Shkencave Mjekësore 1978:67-74

Një studim kliniko-hispatologjik i leukoplakisë së gojës (A clinical histopathological study of leukoplakia of the mouth)                                          

Ulqini Xh., Cerga G., Rexha F.                                                                                                                                 

Buletin i Shkencave Mjekësore 1978:75-88

Disa të dhëna statistikore mbi sëmundjet e aparatit urinar në fëmijët e shtruar (Statistical data on urinary affections in hospitalized children)                                         

Nini M.                                                                                                                                                                      

Buletin i Shkencave Mjekësore 1978:89-94


Mbi diferencimin biokimik të shigjelave prej gjinive të afërta në punën e brendshme ( Biochemical differentiation of shigellae from other related genera in the routine laboratory practice)                         

Duraku E.                                                                                                                                                                   

Buletin i Shkencave Mjekësore 1978:95-102


Një rast me hiperparatiroidizëm primar ( A case of primary hyperparathyroidism)                                             

Harito F.,Shahi F.,Sula A.                                                                                                                                         

Buletin i Shkencave Mjekësore 1978:103-111

Një rast i identifikimit të personit me anën e eshtrave të skeletit (Identification of the person by the bones of the skeleton)                                                                                    

Çipi B., Myftari S.                                                                                                                                                     

Buletin i Shkencave Mjekësore 1978:113-122

Një rast i rrallë në mënyrën e daljes së truncus coeliacus ( A rare site of truncus coeliacus )                                   

Llang K., Osmanlli D.                                                                                                                                               

Buletin i Shkencave Mjekësore 1978:123-125

Aplikimi i intestinopalosjes sipas childs-phillips në një rast me ileus aderencial të përsëritur (The child’s Phillips method of intestinoplication in a case of recurrent adherential ileus)                                 

Habibi B.                                                                                                                                                                    

Buletin i Shkencave Mjekësore 1978:127-129

Një rast i rrallë i anodontisë së pjesshme tek të dy sistemet i shoqëruar me polidaktili ( A rare case of partial adontia of the two systems associated with polydactily)                                                                                              

Bllaca H.                                                                                                                                                                    

Buletin i Shkencave Mjekësore 1978:131-136

Dëmtimet nervore në gromuleruonephritis acuta ( Nervous lesions in acute glomerulonephritis)               

Çabej I., Culli I.                                                                                                                                                         

Buletin i Shkencave Mjekësore 1978: 137-141

Disa të dhëna mbi hipertoninë dhe kurën e saj ( Some data on the hypertonia and its treatment)                     

Agalli S.                                                                                                                                                                     

Buletin i Shkencave Mjekësore 1978: 157-164