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The Official Journal of the University of Medicine, Tirana
Formerly "Bulletin of Medical Sciences"

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Buletin i Universitetit Shtetëror të Tiranës (Bulletin of Tirana State University); Seria Shkencat Mjekësore 1 ( Medical Sciences Series 1) Viti 1980  (Year 1980)


Për një organizim dhe drejtim më të mirë të punës kërkimore-shkencore dhe të kualifikimit të kuadrit mjekësor (For a further improvement of the organization and direction of the research work and qualification of the  medical cadres)              

Vehbiu U., Boçka A., Çoçoli H.                                                                                            

Buletin i Shkencave Mjekësore 1980: 3-10

Reumokarditi në moshën e fëmijërisë (Rheumocarditis in Childhood)                            

Kristo Th., Niko R.                                                                                                                            

Buletin i Shkencave Mjekësore 1980: 11-17

Studim kliniko-radiologjik i tumoreve të veshkave  (A clinical and radiological study of  Kidney tumors)                                                                                                                   

Karaj H., Çapeli S., Bakalli V.                                                                                                          

Buletin i Shkencave Mjekësore 1980: 19-24

Dy shurupe për fëmijë me antibiotikë  (Two-antibiotic syrups for children)                   

Goda P.                                                                                                                                              

Buletin i Shkencave Mjekësore 1980: 25-27                                                                                    

Karcinoma e gjirit tek meshkujt (Breast carcinoma in Males)                          

Mazreku A., Kadare Sh. Harasani Xh.                                                                                              

Buletin i Shkencave Mjekësore 1980: 29-34                                    

Përcaktimi i barbitemisë në ndjekjen e ecurisë të epileptikëve (Determination of the barbiturics in the blood in the course of treatment of epilepsy)                                  

Vokopola S., Juca B.                                                                                                                         

Buletin i Shkencave Mjekësore 1980: 35-38

Hulumtimi i koagulimit nëpërmjet tromboelosografisë (TEG) në plazmë. (Coaguation assay by plasma thrombelastography)                                                                  

Leskoviku S., Bylykbashi V., Buzo S.                                                                                              

Buletin i Shkencave Mjekësore 1980: 39-46

Sëmundeshmëria e hipertensionit arterial esencial  (Morbidity rate of essential blood hypertension)                                                                                                                             

Shehu  N.                                                                                                                                          

Buletin i Shkencave Mjekësore 1980: 47-55


Mbi shokun infektiv (Infective shock)                                                                              

Pulo J., Kraja Dh., Shana P.                                                                                                              

Buletin i Shkencave Mjekësore 1980: 57-66

Përcaktim i antikorpeve të klasës IgM në të sëmurët me hepatit viral për  diferencimin e rasteve  me Hepatit A (Determination of IgM antibodies in patients with viral hepatitis with the purpose of differentiating  hepatitis A from other types of hepatitis)                                   

Krasta Sh., Gusmari V., Voko I., Sharofi F.                                                                                      

Buletin i Shkencave Mjekësore 1980: 67-70                        

Përhapja e antigjenit Australia (HSBAg) në kolektiva fëmijësh në rrethin e Tiranës (Australia antigen (HBsAg) in Children communities in the district of Tirana)                   

Troja P., Papadhani K., Fico V., Pepa T.                                                                                          

Buletin i Shkencave Mjekësore 1980: 71-75            

Diagnoza diferenciale ndërmjet rekto-koliteve hemorragjike idiopatike dhe dizenterisë  (bakteriale dhe amebike) (Differential diagnosis between idiopathic hemorrgahic and dysentery (bacterial and amoebic)                                                                                    

Eltari E., Musko V., Dollaku F.                                                                                                         

Buletin i Shkencave Mjekësore 1980: 77-82


Kora Qendro, Boletini Enis Mioziti primar supurativ (Primary suppurative myositis)          

Kora Q., Boletini E.                                                                                                                           

Buletin i Shkencave Mjekësore 1980: 83-88            

Një rast me glomerunefrit ‘Malinj’ (A case of ‘malignant’ glomerulonephritis)             

Kodra S., Thereska N., Alia L., Santo A.                                                                                          

Buletin i Shkencave Mjekësore 1980: 89-94

Vlera e ekzaminimit bioptik intraoperatore në diagnostikimin e tumoreve të gjirit (Diagnostic value of the intraoperational biopsy examination in breast tumors)                   

Kadare Sh.                                                                                                                                         

Buletin i Shkencave Mjekësore 1980: 95-100


Preparatet imunodepresorë  (Immunodepressive drugs)                        

Resuli B.                                                                                                                    

Buletin i Shkencave Mjekësore 1980: 101-116                                                        

Sistemi H.L.A. (The H.L.A. system)                                                          

Agaçi F.                                                                                                                     

Buletin i Shkencave Mjekësore 1980: 117-125                                            

Aktivitete shkencore të Fakultetit të Mjekësisë (Scientific activities at the Faculty of Medicine)                                                                                                

Buletin i Shkencave Mjekësore 1980: 127-141